Kristen's Surprise
Kristen's Surprise
By Megan West
Copyright © 2013 by, Megan West
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews.
This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locals is coincidental.
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Erotic Quickies Vol.2
A collection of steamy erotic shorts guaranteed to be different and guaranteed to get the job done.
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Kristen's Surprise
Between my normal day at work and the crazy drivers on the ride home, I'd almost forgotten that today was the big day. Seeing Jake's truck in my driveway as I neared my house reminded me though, and my insides gave an odd flip at the reminder. After nearly two years of dating, and a few months of discussion, Jake was moving in with me, taking our relationship to that mile-stone of the “next level.”
It made sense. It felt right. Still, I couldn't help but feel a bit of unease at the newness of it all. After we'd decided to cohabitate, we'd had a brief debate of who would move and quickly decided he'd move in with me. My mortgage was almost a third of what he'd been paying for rent and my house was over twice the size of his apartment without even counting my basement.
At the thought of my basement I felt myself cringe. It had been years since I'd played down there and I hadn't thought to look and hide the evidence of my perversions. I really hoped Jake hadn't explored the house too much without me.
Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I turned the car off and made my way to the door. The door opened before I could dig my keys out of my purse and Jake stood there, smiling happily at me. In typical Jake fashion, he scooped me up into a tight hug and kissed me soundly, a kiss I was all too happy to return.
“How was your day, Kristen?” He asked when he finally let me go enough to close the door.
I laughed softly. “Much better after that kiss. Did you get everything moved in?”
“Yeah. You know me, I don't have much anyway.” He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. To say Jake was a minimalist would have been putting it lightly. Though he made more than enough money to spend on the usual man's toys, he preferred to keep his life “uncluttered” and owned very little aside from some clothes and a laptop. Honestly, if he'd had enough to fill up the bed of his truck even once, I would have been surprised.
It was one of several ways we were complete opposites. I've always been a pack-rat, collecting various things and keeping them around the house because I might need something one day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bad enough that I need to be taken on to a cable television show for a public intervention, but my closets, garage, and attic are always cluttered with things. I smelled something as we stood there and sniffed the air, and another example of our many differences filled my nose. My idea of cooking stopped at the microwave; Jake not only loved to cook, he was great at it.
“You're making dinner?” I asked, a little surprised.
“Yes, chicken parmigiana, your favorite.” He kissed my forehead lightly. “It's got about another 20 minutes till it's ready. Why don't you go change out of those work clothes and do whatever it is you do while I finish?”
“You're too good to me.” I said and kissed him back before I turned and almost immediately received another surprise, a very solid spank on my rear as I walked away. It wasn't the gentle, playful swats Jake would sometimes give me when he was feeling frisky, it was a definite spank. A yelp slipped out of me in surprise, but I kept walking, forcing myself to ignore the urge to bend over and beg for another one.
That had always been another of our differences, sex. Or, to be more specific, kinky sex. I loved it, craved it, but every time I had tried to bring up the subject of bondage or roleplay or anything I considered even remotely kinky, Jake would just shrug it off or make a joke and I'd let the conversation fade away.
All things considered though, even without the kinky fun, the sex was still good, so I told myself I wasn't really missing out on anything. After all, I had a great, caring, respectful guy, he could even cook for crying out loud, so what if I craved a collar around my neck, cuffs on my wrists, and a dominant presence stripping me of my self control for a little while? I could live without it. Right?
I had no idea how truly wrong I was till I felt Jake's large, strong hand land with a loud, stinging smack on my backside. The sudden sting of his slap sent a bolt of thrill through my body that I hadn't felt in a very long time.
Alone in the bathroom, I shut and locked the door behind myself before turning on the water. I found myself with nothing to do but think as the water warmed. As much as it bothered me to think of it, Jake must have gone down to the basement for something and saw my toys.
I don't mean my vibrators, he'd known about those for a long time, but the ropes and paddles, the whip and cane and shackles that had been left hanging from pegs on the wall. Abandoned to collect dust the day Jake and I had agreed to make our relationship exclusive.
I could only image what he must have thought when he'd seen my dungeon in progress, and my imagination wasn't painting the most positive picture. Sighing, I stripped off my slacks and blouse, followed quickly with my bra and panties, then stepped into the therapeutic confines of my nice, hot shower. I closed my eyes and tried to allow myself a moment to relax.
The knock at the door made my heart lurch in my chest. Shampoo was running down my face, into my eyes, and my attempt at wiping it away only pushed it under my tightly closed eyelids. “Yeah?” I called out, hoping Jake would hear me over the running water.
“Just wanted to tell you dinner's ready. Don't bother getting dressed, just throw on a bathrobe or something and come down when you get done.”
I couldn't be sure if I heard him chuckle over the water rushing past my ears, but I definitely heard what he said next. “Is that any way to talk to your new Master?”
A shiver ran through my body at those words, from my scalp all the way down to my toes, and my breath caught in my throat for a moment. “N-no. I'm sorry, Sir.” I knew then that he found my toys. I feared what he must have thought of me.
“Good girl. Now, be sure to hurry up.”
“Yes, Sir.” I said. My words were quiet and timid. I hurried to wash the shampoo from my hair, not wanting to keep him waiting.
In less than two minutes I emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my still wet hair, an old terry cloth bathrobe that had once been red but had faded to a dark pink shade wrapped around my body. I don't know what I had expected when I walked into the kitchen, food on the table since Jake had mentioned dinner being ready I guess.
Instead, I found my small wooden table bare of anything, even the table cloth had been removed, and then I saw the bundle of nylon rope on the seat of a chair and I felt another shiver drive through my spine.
“I never thought you were seriously into this stuff.” Jake said from behind me, making me jump in surprise.
I could feel heat rushing to my face in embarrassment as I turned to him. I tried to cover my flushed cheeks as I pulled the towel from my hair and pretended to dry it.
“I tried bringing it up a couple times, I thought you weren't interested, so I let it go.”
“I know, and I'm sorry. You seemed happy with our sex life, I didn't want to jeopardize it by introducing you to this lifestyle and pushing you too far. To be honest, I thought you were just curious about trying a little kink because it's become almost fas
He gave me an apologetic smile. “But, then I went downstairs and, well, saw how wrong I was.”
“And now?” I asked, remembering to add “Sir” just in time.
“And now I'm going to use you like the little toy you are.” The smile was gone in an instant as his whole demeanor changed. Jake was a big man, built for strength with well developed arms and a grip like iron. And when that grip got a solid hold of my hair, there was no way I could escape it, not that I would have ever wanted to.
With a giant fist full of my hair he pulled me down in front of him, forcing me to my knees and I looked up at him as my robe began to slip down my shoulders.
Seeing the suddenly dominant side of my normal teddy bear of a man had me severely off balance, and the hormonal rush through my body wasn't helping my confused mind one bit. I knew how I wanted to react, what I would normally do when on my knees in front of him, but the unpredictable moment had me looking up at him in hesitation.
He looked down at me and, though his face was still deadly serious, I could see nothing but lust and affection in his eyes as the hand in my hair tightened it's grip till a stinging pain covered my scalp. With his other hand, he undid his belt and unfastened his jeans while I watched his slowly descending zipper with hungry eyes.
Jake never wore underwear, and with his jeans fully unzipped, his already engorged cock sprang free, leaping towards me. I tried to lean in towards his cock, a tantalizing drop of precum glistening in the tiny slit, but Jake held me by my hair, just out of reach. His forearm flexed as he clenched his fist and jerked my head a few inches back.
I watched as he brought his cock closer to my face, my eyes glued to that slowly growing drop. Pulling my head forward he rubbed the crown of his dick against one cheek, smearing that delicious tasting precum on my skin, and then the other but skipped it over my waiting lips without giving me even the smallest taste. I whimpered and heard his deep chuckle in response.
“Is this what you want?” Jake asked. His tone was cold and harsh as a sneer covered his face.
I nodded, my head barely moving from fear of him ripping my hair out. “Yes, Sir, please?”
He brought the tip of his cock to my waiting mouth. My heart raced as my lips stretched around his engorged shaft. My cheeks hollowed as I sucked him slowly, running my tongue all around the soft, spongy skin. He moaned softly and I smiled with my mouth full of him.
I reached around his backside and gripped his ass, urging him to slide more of his length past my lips till I was nearly gagging on him. My eyes watered as he filled my mouth with his dripping cock. I didn't care, I loved to please him, to hear the moans and soft growls he made as he clenched the back of my head in pleasure. To know I was the cause of his trembling legs as I bobbed my head up and down caused a deep ache in my pussy.
The excitement must have been as powerful for him as it was for me. Soon he had both hands entwined in my hair, forcing me down as he thrust himself into my throat. I moaned around his cock as he went faster, harder, looking forward to what I knew was soon to come. He clenched his eyes shut as he threw his head back. My scalp prickled in pain as he twisted my hair. His hips bucked wildly against my face as he lost control.
Like a reward for a job well done, his cum flooded my mouth and I savored the taste as the thick feel of it as it slid down my throat. My pussy was flushed with wetness as I swallowed every last drop. Even when he began to soften I continued, gently licking and sucking on his overly sensitive cock till he pulled my head back.
I sat back on my heels and licked his taste from my lips as I looked up at him, his face still drawn tight from his release only moments before. Finally, he let out a deep breath and looked back down at me.
“Go get your favorite toy and hurry back here to me.”
He pulled me to my feet and spun me around before giving me a hard swat to my rear before he released me to run his errand. I walked swiftly from the room then practically ran once I had turned the corner and was out of his sight, racing to the box I kept my vibrators in under my bed.
I took my favorite one out of the box, a purple one with bumps and swirls on the shaft and a hummingbird at the end with a vibrating beak for my engorged clit. With my vibrator clutched tightly to my chest I hurried back to the kitchen where Jake still waited.
He was sitting in one of the chairs when I re-entered the room, the bundle of rope in his naked lap, and gave me a smile when I knelt beside him. Jake held his hand out and I gave him my toy. I watched him push the buttons at the base, testing it to make sure the batteries were still good. Seeing it buzz powerfully, his smile grew with approval and he stood. He set the rope and my vibrator on the chair before he pulled me up by my hair.
“Take that off.” He ordered and I obeyed, letting my robe fall to the floor. He gave it a little kick to get it out of the way. Without warning he spun me around and pushed me down against the table. My hips grinded against the wooden edge.
“Don't move.”
I held my breath as I obeyed, waiting with barely contained excitement to see what would happen next. The nylon rope was cool as it slid over my skin then tightened around my ankle till I was held fast by it. After a few more tugs, I realized Jake was tying my ankle to one of the legs of the table.
He moved to my other leg and tugged on it, forcing me to spread my legs wider before he tied that ankle to another wooden leg of the table. With my heart pounding I watched Jake slowly walk around to the front of the table, clearly taking his time and building tension.
He reached forward and grabbed my wrists, pulling and stretching me over the wooden top till my breasts crushed beneath me. I squirmed in his iron grip as he tied the rope around one wrist then bent down under the edge of the table where I could no longer see him. A few more tugs of the rope stretched the muscles in my back as my elbow locked in place. I clenched my teeth as a looked at the taut rope twisting and turning around my wrist. He stood up from underneath the table and began to tie my last limb in place until I was as stretched out as I could possibly be.
I pulled against the ropes, testing them. Electrified excitement rattled my nerves when I felt no give in the tight ropes. I lost sight of Jake as he walked back around the table, from the sound of his footsteps it sounded as if he had moved behind me. I turned my head as far as I could but I couldn't see through my curtain of black hair blocking my view. My breath quivered in anticipation as my vibrator buzzed to life.
Jake brought the tip of it to my pussy, I could feel the slowly warming tip rubbing up and down between my wet slit. It's lowest setting buzzed at a gentle tease as he crept closer and closer to my clit. He kept on like that for several minutes, rubbing the toy up and down my slit, toying with me, teasing me until I was squirming, in need of more than that light touch.
Without warning he plunged the vibrator deep inside me, pushing the buttons so the beak of my little hummingbird tapped hard and fast against my clit. I cried out, half in surprise and half in pleasure, and continued to cry out as he pulled it out only to push it back in me with a force that would have been painful if I hadn't loved it so much.
I felt the familiar heat building between my legs as tiny flutters of tingles oozed up my back. He had me on edge ready to explode. The vibrator rubbed against my g-spot with every thrust and pull of the toy.
A shock twisted up my spin as the beak of the vibrating hummingbird bumped against my clit. The pleasure became more intense whenever he buried the vibrator deeper.
A deep moan escaped my lips and bounced off the kitchen walls. After two years of learning my body, he had me writhing in seconds, pounding me with my toy till I was withering on the table top, pulling against the ropes till my arms were shaking.
My legs trembled as waves of heat washed down the back of my knees. Distantly, through my haze of euphoria, I heard him moan. Just as I was about to topple over the edge he pulled the vibrator from me, the sound of buzzing quieted before disappearing completely. I whimpered, feeling
suddenly empty without anything inside of me. My pussy dripped and throbbed for attention as tingles still crawled up my skin. A whimper caught in my throat when I felt his tongue sliding up the inside of my thigh, licking up the juices that had gushed out of me only moments before.
The feeling of his hot, wet tongue on my skin drove me wild, the higher he went the more I squirmed. When his lips wrapped around my clit, his teeth gently nibbling at it, I thought I might explode from the pleasure. Every little nibble, every lick, shook my body as I cried out.
My chest flushed red as a tornado of energy arched my back. Hot prickles flooded down my legs as my hands clutched at the rope. My legs buckled from the explosion of pleasure racking my body.
I came on his mouth, once and then again, with such force that I was left limp and shaking within the tied rope. If I hadn't been stretched over the table I know my knees would have gave way. As I laid there, panting, trembling, I could hear Jake moving but couldn't force myself to try to see what he was doing.
I didn't have to wait long to find out though. His strong hands gripped my hips and he guided his cock slowly into my already well used pussy then slammed into me hard. My back arched, my shoulders strained as my head tilted back and I screamed like a wild cat.